Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pick Up Basic Piano Skills On The Internet

By Bryan Smith

Have you been thinking about picking up some basic piano skills but have been putting it off? Maybe it is something you are not quite certain that you want to pursue and have yet to make your final decision about it. Learning the piano can be a big step forward, so you may want to try it first before you make a solid commitment. Here are a few suggestions of what to look for if you are just interested in picking up some basic piano skills on the Internet.

The first thing you need to do is find a free introductory course so that you can try it out at no cost. Most professional courses offer you the chance to take a free lesson as a trial offer so that you can get your feet wet before diving in to the rest of the course. This is exactly what a lot of people need when they are sitting on the fence and trying to decide whether they have the time, energy or motivation to take lessons and stick with them.

One of the first basic piano skills you will make to learn is where the notes are located on the piano. Each note is given a different name and you need to learn it. The piano is broken down into sections so that learning the notes can be accomplished very quickly. You will also need to know how to read sheet music, and if you know where the notes are located on the piano it will be quite simple. Reading sheet music takes more time, but with a little bit of practice you will get the hang of it.

The next thing you will be taught is how to play some basic scales. This allows you to put all of the above together into practice form, and you will find that the scales make a beautiful melody when you play them correctly. You will be amazed at how quickly your fingers follow one another when you are playing the scales, and you will be left with a feeling of real accomplishment.

You will also be taught how to play by ear. You will start by learning the basic sounds of the piano and what each individual note sounds like. Once you have learned the basic sounds by ear you will be able to play simple songs on your own without the need for sheet music.

You will learn how to position your body so that the music sounds great and you don't feel uncomfortable. You will need to sit properly so that your back doesn't hurt, and you will learn the correct position for your arms, hands and fingers. These are basic skills you need to learn so that your comfort level is maintained during your playing.

These are some of the basic piano skills that you need to learn on the piano, and they can be found on the Internet for free. You can take a free trial of music lessons and make an informed decision as to whether you want to continue or not.

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