Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Looking for a Photoshop Teacher?

By David Peters

The spot healing brush made its debut in Photoshop Elements 3, but now an enhanced version of it is available in Photoshop CS2. The spot healing tool is different from the existing patch and healing tools in that it does not require you to make a selection or define a source point before using it.

To begin, open your Photoshop program, then hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift in Windows or Command-Option-Shift for Mac OS. This restores the default preferences. Click on "Yes," which resets, and then close the screen. Open an image file inside Photoshop, then make a duplicate layer to work on. This is one of the best habits you can develop for working with Photoshop; once you're used to editing only on a copy of the original, you will see that it's easy and worth it.

You'll see a variety of preset gradients displayed, from the default Foreground to Background gradient to the more complex Chrome gradient. All these preset gradients can be edited to create new gradients. You'll notice that some gradients have more colour 'stops' than others; the Foreground to Background gradient has two colour stops - black and white - while the Spectrum gradient has seven colour stops. You can modify a gradient by changing the colour of the stops - simply click on one and choose a new colour from the Color Picker. Alternatively, click on an image and sample a colour for your customised gradient using the Eyedropper Tool.

Image Adjustments: No doubt you'll need to tweak things such as levels and colour values on occasion. These shortcuts will take you to the heart of the Image - Adjustments menu - Adjust Levels.......[Ctrl]+[L] - Auto Levels.........[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[L] - Auto Contrast.......[Alt]+[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[L] - Auto Color..........[Shift]+[ Ctrl]+[B] - Curves ..............[Ctrl]+[M] - Color Balance.......[Ctrl]+[B] - Hue/Saturation......[Ctrl]+[U] - Desaturate..........[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[U] - Invert..............[Ctrl]+[I] File Management: Browse, open, close and save your files for a variety of formats, all at the touch of a key or three - New File.............[Ctrl]+[N] - Open File............[Ctrl]+[O] - Open File Browser....[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[O] - Save.................[Ctrl]+[S] - Close................[Ctrl]+[W] - Save As..............[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[S] - Save for Web.........[Alt]+[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[S] - Undo last action.....[Ctrl]+[Z] - Step Forward.........[Shift]+[Control]+[Z] - Step Backward........[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Z] - Page Setup...........[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[P] - Print................[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[P] - Print with Preview...[Ctrl]+[P] - Print One Copy.......[Alt]+[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[P] - Jump to ImageReady...[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[M]

If you drag the "black" slider to the right, the darkest colors disappear and the image below appears. Dragging the underneath layer's black slider will bring out the darkest colors from the bottom image. To merge your blended layers when you're finished, so that any further styling will be applied equally, click Layer in your top menu, then either Merge Down, Merge Group, Merge Visible or Flatten Image. If you're the kind of person who loves to learn and master a subject of interest, try out all the various permutations available in your Layer Style box's Advanced Blending palette, under "knockout." Right away, you'll see how useful the three options in the Knockout menu itself can be: None, Shallow or Deep.

Like Microsoft, Adobe's business is built largely around packaged software, installed locally on users' PCs. Likewise, Adobe's plans to diversify its business with online services mirrors a large-scale effort at Microsoft to introduce a combination of software and services. As online applications become more functional, Adobe is seeking out areas where Web services can fill out its product portfolio, Chizen said. The company intends to offer entirely hosted applications, as well as "hybrids," in which Adobe uses the Web to introduce features to desktop products, such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. We recognize there is a customer there--we recognize they are not going to pay us, necessarily, directly. But we could use ad revenue as a model. Google has demonstrated that it works pretty well for certain types of applications.

Your "Color Balance" and "Channel Mixer" are also valuable tools for transforming colors in an image. Find them both by clicking Image, then Adjustments. Inside your Photoshop Tool Box are all the icons you need to polish up an image to perfection. (If you don't see your Tool Box, click "Window" and select "Tools.") Almost every tool provides other hidden options, which become visible upon right-clicking. If you hover over the tool icons a message appears describing their function. Midway down on the right-hand column is the Dodge-Burn-Sponge tool. Try opening the "Sponge" function (you will probably have to right-click to find it). Under your top menu, you'll see the sponge icon appear, with various options. Click on the pull-down Mode menu and choose "Saturate.

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